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Old Bank Chambers

1 King Street




Divorce Law Children Law Separation Cohabitation Finances

A prenuptial agreement is a premarital agreement setting out how the parties wish for their assets to be divided in the event of a marriage breakdown. Some believe it is a document for rich and famous celebrities but this could not be further from the truth. Whatever your assets are you have a right to protect them. Would you purchase a home without insurance?

Pre-Nuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements are not and have never been binding under English law but recent case law indicates that this could be set to change in the future. Now, more than ever, prenuptial agreements are having weight attached to them and proving influential in the court room.

In the case of Katrin Radmacher and Nicolas Granatino (20/07/09) one of the Judges hearing the case stated that failure to recognise prenuptial agreements “does not sufficiently recognise the rights of autonomous adults to govern their future financial relationship by agreement in an age when marriage is not generally regarded as a sacrament and divorce is a statistical commonplace”.

We can help you prepare a prenuptial agreement specific to your needs and requirements so as to enable you to have the best possible chance of it being influential in the event that your relationship breaks down in the future.

We do appreciate that it is not the most romantic step to take but it may certainly be one of the most sensible decisions you make.